T Part Lace Front Wigs Vs Standard Cap or 'Hard Front' Wigs. A Guide. January 17, 2024D Bytom Two of the hottest wig trends right now are T-Part Middle Parting Lace front wigs and standard 'hard front' Wigs. Let's dive into the benefits of each style, providing you...
RuPauls DragCon London Olympia January 17, 2020admin RuPauls DragCon London Olympia Ssturday 18th Jan Sunday 19th Jan 2020We are delighted to be exhibiting at RuPauls DragCon London Olympia this weekend.Our range of DollsHead Wigs Specially Designed and...
Life Is Short: Get Rainbow Hair June 27, 2017admin Dolls Head Wigs: A one of a kind range. Bright, colourful & fashion forward wigs. We pride ourselves on creating original & exciting designs perfect for alternative fashion lovers just...
Like it BRIGHT? February 03, 2017admin LOVE it BRIGHT? The Fuel Girls do too...Have you checked out Dolls Head Wigs Yet?
Long Locks for the Ladies... May 06, 2016admin 10% Off our Longest and Most Luxurious Wigs - Until Monday 10% Off our Longest and Most Luxurious Wigs - Until Monday
Are You A Wholesaler? February 18, 2016admin If you own a salon, a retail or online store or you are a hair dresser, beautician or work in events, then you could be eligle for a Hair By...
Do You Suffer From Hair Thinning Or Hair Loss? Here's How We Can Help... January 07, 2016admin Hair loss and hair thinning can be very stressful especially due to our physical appearance being so closely linked to our confidence and self esteem. That's why, here at Celeb...